Monday, May 25, 2015

{Photos} - ten finest tourist areas is unknown to the people

1. Ladders "Haiku" in Hawaii, known as the "Road to Heaven," a ladders, steel World War left behind, and consists of 3922 degrees, 18-inch, and pass on the 7 sections of rugged hills, located slope along the mountain at an altitude of 853 meters above sea level, and it is not available to the public, but many are keen to climb to the summit to enjoy one of the most beautiful landscapes and awe around the world.
2. River "Hinata" nicknamed "Enchanted River" on the island "Mindanao" Filipino, a strange River as the water is salty, and it looks like has arisen out of nowhere in the heart of the island, which is the secret behind this title, and is considered a tourist destination for swimming and snorkeling.
3. "twisted jungle" western Poland, consisting of 400 pine tree unique, where the stumps are all grown crooked angle of 90 degrees, heading to the north, for reasons still unknown to scientists until now nature.
4. Valley "Jiuzhaigou", which is a nature reserve in the north of "Sichuan" province in southwest China, and Tibet is part of the mountain range, known as the Valley of multi-level waterfalls and colorful lakes, and extends to 240 square kilometers in the mountainous region.
5. hot springs in the city, "Rotorua" New Zealand, which includes gathering enormous sulfuric metal, so it was dubbed the "Sulphur City", as visitors to the city observed a strong sulfur hot springs and steam rising from scattered throughout the city ground holes smell
6. "to Ofotan" Islands in Norway, which is considered one of the largest concentrations of coral reefs around the world, which is an archipelago located off the coast of Norway in the Arctic Ocean.
7. Sea "Park" Beach in the city of "Ibaraki" Japanese, a garden flowers change according to the
seasons, and extends over 470 acres, and is famous for its flowers daffodils and the burning bush.
8. Lake "Nguong Stowe" located in the Himalayas between India and the mountains of Tibet, and is characterized by purely waters with scenic mountain.
9. off the "Superior" Lake coast on the international border between the United States and Canada, which is about 22 island pass from inside the caves, making it look like an ice rooms during the winter Apostle Islands.
10. Valley "tribe Alclah" in Pakistan, a tribe eggs there, and living without communication technology or the media, they live without electricity or telephones or newspapers, and a reputation for private dances folkloric during the harvest season, and they live in the valley Alclah which includes three large valleys.


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